Different Types of Paper for Paycheck Stubs

Different Types of Paper for Paycheck Stubs
March 29, 2023
5 min read
March 29, 2023
6 min read

As the world continues to go digital, pay stubs are not left behind. Nowadays, many employers prefer to send out electronic check stubs to their employees.

While this may be a cheaper, faster way to administer a pay stub, it may not always be ideal. So, even if paper check stubs are being phased out, it's still a good idea to educate yourself on the topic.

A paycheck or paystub contains all the information about an employee's wage details, including gross pay, net pay, social security deductions, and so forth. Employees need these details for various reasons and not everyone has access to a computer at home.

For this reason, many employers prefer to give their employees physical check stubs. As an important financial document, the type of paper the employer uses is crucial. Thus, this article will cover the different types of check stubs paper and their benefits and downsides.

Types of Pay Stubs

Types of Pay Stubs

There are two types of pay stubs:

Physical Check Stubs

For many businesses, physical pay stubs are the way to go. Firstly, physical pay stubs may be more economical than their electronic counterparts. Payroll software is costly and costs like that can easily pile up.

Yet, the cost-effectiveness of electronic versus paper pay stubs will vary depending on the size of your company. As mentioned earlier, many people do not have access to a personal computer. Employees may need their pay stubs for various purposes including filing taxes, proof of income, and certain loan applications. As a result, physical check stubs come in handy. In addition, many companies utilize physical check stubs as a backup in case of technical problems.

Electronic Check Stubs

Electronic check stubs are a cheaper option for some businesses depending on size. This is especially true for businesses that invest in payroll software. In addition, electronic pay stubs are an environmentally-friendly option for many companies. Electronic stubs can prevent clutter and are a safer option in unforeseeable circumstances such as natural disasters.

However, electronic pay stubs may not be readily available for an employee in need. Some people do not have a personal computer, as such, they may not access their pay stub information when needed.

More so, some states require employers to provide a physical pay stub to their employees. Others give employees the option to choose either method.

Why Do You Need Physical Pay Stubs?

Many businesses depend on physical pay stubs for backup purposes. Employees who do not own a personal computer also need physical paycheck stubs.

More so, physical check stubs may be less costly for a business with fewer employees. Physical pay stubs are important because employers can use them to keep track of their payroll system.

Different Types of Paper for Pay Check Stubs

Different Types of Paper for Pay Check Stubs

Software-Friendly Stubs

Software-friendly stubs are usually used in conjunction with an electronic payroll system. They combine the best of both media by providing a hard copy pay stub and an electronic record of it.

These software-friendly check stubs come in a pre-printed or blank option. The pre-printed paper contains an existing design and all you need to do is change the employee information.

However, the blank paper gives you the liberty to design and customize your paycheck stub if you wish. Furthermore, the check is pre-perforated and can easily separate from the pay overview.

Standard Printer Paper

Standard printer paper provides you with the basic background you need for a check stub. It has no fancy designs or pre-perforations. However, you have the option of designing it yourself.

If you are not skilled in graphic design, several websites give you workable templates for your pay stubs. It is also a cost-efficient method of disbursing pay stubs.

Business Checks

Business checks present a relatively safe and fraud-proof way of disbursing check stubs. A business check is a type of paper that contains security features including watermarks, special background, and an anti-splice backer.

It also has a VOID pantograph and a check-21 compliance. This type of check meets all the requirements of major financial institutions. 

Making Your Own Custom Pay Stubs Paper

As an employer, you can easily create a custom pay stub for your employees. If you do not want to make use of a standard printer paper, there are free pay stub generator tools online. Most online tools will seamlessly walk you through how to make a pay stub.

Online pay stub generators will typically only require you to input all necessary information. Afterward, it generates a professional pay stub in seconds which you can print and disburse. This is a cheaper alternative, especially for businesses that do not make use of payroll software.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What type of paper are pay stubs printed on

What type of paper are pay stubs printed on?

Pay stubs may be printed on standard paper, business checks, or software-compatible papers. Whichever paper a business chooses will depend on its needs. However, the standard paper remains one of the most popular options.

What are the differences between paper checks and pay stubs?

A pay stub is an accompaniment of a paper check. Alternatively, the pay stub shows the breakdown of the amount on the paper check.

Is a paper check pay stub?

A pay stub usually includes gross pay, net pay, social security deduction, pay period, and local taxes deduction. A paper check, however, is a paper containing details of an amount you can cash in.

How do you print paycheck stubs?

Printing paystubs depends on the type of paper you use. If you make use of an online pay stub generator, simply follow the prompts on the website to print. If you are printing on standard paper, print like you would any other document.

Do payroll checks have to be printed?

Traditionally, employers had to print payroll checks and hand the physical copy to the employee. Nowadays, however, they do not need to print payroll checks. Your employer can send your payroll check via electronic bank transfer or direct deposit. This method is safer and faster.

Can pay stubs be handwritten?

Sometimes, employers may write payroll checks by hand and present them to an employee. They may also use a typewriter or enter the information electronically.

Final Thoughts on Different Types Of Pay Stub Paper

Pay stubs are important financial documents that many states require employers to give to their employees. Businesses need to safeguard pay stub information both online and offline. Using the right kind of pay stub paper can help make that process seamless.

Businesses that work frequently with external contractors may favor the use of business checks. Business checks live up to the standards of most financial institutions and are a security-conscious option.

Alternatively, there are software-friendly papers for businesses that already run on payroll software. Finally, there's your standard printing paper, which is easy and quick but not secure. Ultimately, the type of stubs paper you use depends on the type and size of the business you run.